Communities of Excellence 2026

Better Together

Our community is always working to be even better. In 2010, a diverse group of residents identified a common vision for the community based on nine “community pillars.” They included arts and entertainment, community engagement, economy, education, green, housing, infrastructure, safety and wellness.

After 10 years of community involvement to successfully build on these pillars, we have transitioned to participation in the Baldrige-based Communities of Excellence 2026 program (named after the year our country becomes 250 years old).

Only 18 U.S. communities have been chosen for inclusion in this program, with ours being the only one in Minnesota and the neighboring states of Iowa, North Dakota and Wisconsin. We collaborate with the other participating communities to share approaches, best practices and challenges, with the ultimate goal of improving the overall health status, educational attainment and economic vitality for our residents.

Learn more about our Communities of Excellence 2026 participation.

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