Greater St. Cloud JobSpot


Workforce Resources & Services

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Career Solutions

Connecting Minnesota Stearns & Benton County job seekers and employers, Career Solutions is dedicated to helping the Stearns And Benton community grow by meeting the workforce needs of businesses and job seekers now and in the future. Career Solutions is a partner of CareerForce – St. Cloud.

Career Trek is an Adult Program designed to help participants identify strengths and skills, explore careers and begin setting goals for their employment future.

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CareerForce – St. Cloud

CareerForce – St. Cloud provides a variety of services for jobseeker and employee training and professional development.

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Central Minnesota Jobs & Training Services

Central Minnesota Jobs & Training Services focuses on providing professional career guidance, quality training and job placement services to jobseekers in Central Minnesota. They are a partner of CareerForce – St. Cloud and serve Pine, Chisago, Kanabec, Isanti, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Wright, McLeod, Meeker, Kandiyohi, and Renville counties.

Anderson Center

Anderson Center

The Anderson Center promotes individual, organizational and economic growth by providing engaging management and leadership development forums for executives across Greater Minnesota.

Learn more about Anderson Center’s leadership development forums: 

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Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is the state’s principal economic development agency. DEED facilitates an economic environment to produce jobs and improve the quality of the state’s workforce.

O Net

O*NET OnLine

The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate career exploration,  vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions, such as developing job orders and   position descriptions and aligning training with current workplace needs.

O*NET can help job seekers: 

  • Find out which jobs fit with their interests, skills, and experience.
  • Explore growth career profiles using the latest available labor market data.
  • Research what it takes to get their dream job.
  • Maximize earning potential and job satisfaction.
  • Know what it takes to be successful in their field and in related occupations.

Additional Resources

Debunking the Three BIGGEST Myths about Disability Benefits and Work

This link touches on the myths of having a disability and beginning employment.
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