Greater St. Cloud JobSpot


Job Search FAQ

How do I post my jobs on the site?

Thanks to our updates, you no longer need to post your openings directly on the JobSpot website. Jobs should be posted to external career boards or your company website. The new JobSpot website scrapes all jobs from external sources and pulls them on the JobSpot website.

Why are my jobs not showing up on the site?

Your jobs must be posted to an external website. If your jobs are posted on your company website in PDF files, they will not be able to be pulled into the JobSpot website. There must be a link or specific URL for the job posting.

Your post might also be missing because it has not been updated recently. Posts that are a year old or older are often a sign that the post was forgotten or was never taken down, therefore, older posts don’t get pulled onto the JobSpot site. If you have hiring needs for an evergreen position or are continually hiring for a position, update the post to help it get seen.

If these solutions don’t solve your issue, contact Gail at the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation.

How often are the jobs updated?

Jobs are updated daily.

Which jobs are included?

Any job types in the Greater St. Cloud area are included: full-time, part-time, internships, temp positions – all of these types of jobs and more can be found on our website.

Where do the jobs get pulled from?

Positions get pulled from a number of sources, including external job posting sites, community boards, and internal company websites. If your company has jobs posted on your website but they are not showing up on the JobSpot website, contact Gail at the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation.

Who can I contact if I have recommendations or additional resources that I would like to see on the site?

Contact Gail at the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation.

Other helpful tips:
  • Take note of the featured employers and their jobs available
  • Search past blogs for resume tips, diversity initiatives, upcoming networking events, and more
  • Check out the Jobseeker and Employer resource pages
  • Sign up for our email list in the footer of our website and stay up-to-date on the latest news
  • Click the “Living Here” tab to find resources, statistics, and information about living in the Greater St. Cloud area